Templates Community / Alzheimer Medical Genogram

Alzheimer Medical Genogram

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Published on 2021-03-17
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A medical genogram is a special type of genogram that includes a graphical representation of medical conditions like age, cause of death, hereditary traits, and any additional information that can be used to assess disease risk. An Alzheimer Medical Genogram diagram can be created by having a proper study of the family members by using the creative sensitive method, and with the participation of all the family members who had Alzheimer’s. In the Alzheimer Medical Genogram template, all family members, living and dead, should be included. This means that even the details of miscarriages, stillborn infants, and children who died in infancy are also included. The attached Alzheimer’s medical genogram template shows the details of the family members, how they are related to one another, and how someone passed away. With a proper genogram study, a medical student can create their own Medical Genogram diagram to identify the possibilities of someone having Alzheimer’s in the family tree.
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