Templates Community / Taxi Renting Context Diagram

Taxi Renting Context Diagram

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Published on 2021-05-20
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An OLA context diagram shows the stages when a customer books a taxi online and the request goes directly to the company where they are assigned a rented taxi. As per the context diagram, managers of the taxi renting company can also update employee’s profiles, products and add more categories on the website. A context diagram is a graphical representation of a system that must only use one process to represent the entire system and deliberately does not go into defining all the processes so as to prevent people from getting bogged down in complex details at an early stage. As the taxi renting context diagram suggests, we use circles to represent the system in terms of a single process. There will never be more than a single process in any context diagram. We use a rectangle to represent any external entities affecting the system and arrows to represent the data flow.
Context Diagram
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