Template Community / Line Chart with 2 Series

Line Chart with 2 Series

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easy diagrams
Published on 2021-08-30
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The line chart is the most common type of chart used to represent data in the form of a succession of points. Basic line charts are made up of a series of equally spaced points on a horizontal axis, overtime on a vertical axis. Every point is connected by a line and represents an event at that moment in time. The lines show the change in data over time. Here, are some ways to make the most out of using this charting technique. The following line chart has been drawn using EdrawMax Online. All the dummy text is replaceable, even the background colour, the Legend position, colour, shape, position of the axis name, label orientation can all be changed according to the requirement. Instead of creating the line graph from scratch use EdrawMax online as it provides pre-defined templates, shapes, and figures which will help you create the graph easily. Just try EdrawMax online to create your line graph, it has everything you need.
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