Templates Community / Sequence Writing Graphic Organizer

Sequence Writing Graphic Organizer

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Lisa Anderson
Published on 2021-09-08
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One of the narrative writing graphic organizers is like this. It has a format that is similar to a flowchart. The first box is the title box. After it, there is the box for the settings or characters of the story. The next box consists of the problem of the story. Then, there is the space for writing feelings which the reader gets after reading the story. After the feelings box, there are three subsections that illustrate the story into three events. The last box is for writing the resolution or ending of the story. This graphic organizer will enhance the thinking and writing skills of the students. They will be able to understand the stories easily and can analyze them on their own.
Graphic Organizer Collection
Grid Graphic Organizer
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Sequence Writing Graphic Organizer
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