Templates Community / Feed the Dog SIPOC Diagram

Feed the Dog SIPOC Diagram

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Published on 2021-09-22
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Here is a Feed the Dog SIPOC diagram to help organizations and individuals better understand the functioning of this popular process analysis method. The SIPOC diagram is divided into five elements- Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs, and Customers. For instance, if someone wants to feed a dog, the supplies (dog food) would be available at a grocery store. The input required would be to go to the store, purchase dog food, and bring it home. For feeding the dog, the process involved would be filling a bowl with dog food and calling the dog. The dog eating the food and fertilizing the garden would be the output. The customers of this process would be the dog, family, and the garden they will fertilize. With a simple example, this SIPOC diagram makes it easier for the users to understand how this analysis model works.
SIPOC Diagram
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