Templates Community / Occupation Icons

Occupation Icons

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Published on 2021-11-24
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1. Introduction

Here is a collection of occupation icons, you can use them immediately and choose them from your symbol libraries.

2. What is Occupation Icons

The regular activity that a person engages in to earn his bread and butter is referred to as occupation. A profession is a job or activity that necessitates a high level of knowledge and expertise in a particular sector. There is no such thing as independence. A professional is totally self-sufficient.

3. How to Use Occupation Icons

It is simple to use the Christmas Holiday icons in EdrawMax, just follow the steps below, and turn the symbols and icons into yours.

Step 1: Duplicate the symbols
Click the "Duplicate" button, and start to use them;

Step 2: Open a file
When clicking the duplicate button, you can go to a new file, and the symbols or icons will appear in the left side of the canvas, which is the Symbol Libraries;

Step 3: Your Symbol Libraries
Once you use these symbols, the symbols and icons will become yours, and you can check or use them every time you open a new file or add symbols in your created files. 
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Occupation Icons | EdrawMax Symbols
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