Templates Community / Hostile Genogram

Hostile Genogram

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Kosisochi William Udozorh
Published on 2021-11-30
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A hostile relationship between two individuals where they argue on major issues and feel heightened stress and aggression when they are together. The following hostile Genogram shows the zig-zag lines between couples. As per the genogram symbols, a single zig-zag shows a hostile relationship. At the same time, a zig-zagged line where we also see three straight lines shows that the couple is in a fused relationship. In simple words, it means that violence takes place to avoid a break in the relationship, especially when intimacy/fusion is difficult or impossible to maintain. It should be noted here that fusion compromises feelings, identities, and self-direction, thus creating true instability.
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A hostile relationship between two individuals where they argue on major issues and feel heightened stress and aggression when they are together. The following hostile Genogram shows the zig-zag lines between couples. As per the genogram symbols, a single
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