Templates Community / Collins Module Swimlane Diagram

Collins Module Swimlane Diagram

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tamz collins
Published on 2021-12-14
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The swimlane diagram below shows the entire process when a customer visits a website ( to place a particular order. Swim lane diagrams are flowcharts that show both a process from start to finish and who is responsible for each step. Much like a swimming pool with established lanes for each swimmer, the diagram has horizontal or vertical lanes belonging to each actor. In the swimlane diagram below, important members are Customers, Order Received, and Payment/Shipping. The entire process begins after a customer makes an order. Following this, the system validates the product order specification, adds it to the cart, and requests a physical inspection.
swimlane diagram
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The swimlane diagram below shows the entire process when a customer visits a website ( to place a particular order. Swim lane diagrams are flowcharts that show both a process from start to finish and who is responsible for each step. Much l
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