Template Community / External Electromechanical Voltage Regulator

External Electromechanical Voltage Regulator

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Published on 2021-12-16
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An alternator is a maintenance-free yet the most important unit of the car’s engine. It generates electricity, provides electrical supply to vehicles, and recharges the battery. The alternator works by converting mechanical energy into electrical energy from alternating current to the direct current. The primary function is to work jointly with the battery to supply energy to the electrical components, i.e., lights, fan, windshield wipers, etc. It changes the alternating current into a direct current and regulates the voltage to meet the required minimum power for each unit. Electromechanical regulators coil the voltage sensing cable into an electromagnet. This creates a magnetic field around the magnet and attracts the ferrous block towards itself. Such circuits have three electromagnetic switches- cutout relays, regulator and, current regulator. The cutout relay connects the battery to the alternator while the regulator and existing regulator switch regulate the voltage output by controlling the alternator’s field circuit. The electromechanical circuits are important for the AC stabilizing circuits; however, they are not used in production vehicles due to their inefficient relaying system.
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External Electromechanical Voltage Regulator
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