Templates Community / Bold Infographic Resume

Bold Infographic Resume

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Captain O Captain
Published on 2022-01-06
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This Infographic resume incorporates chronological structures to display information. Apart from having a modern design, it presents a clear analysis of all the major components of a job application. Users can showcase their professional skills, employment credentials and personal achievements in a highly aesthetically pleasing way. What's more is that a bold Infographic resume can undergo customization in both Photoshop and MS word. There are four basic colour variations which have editing compatibility in Photoshop. The Infographic elements are designed in a minimalistic sense which makes this template a perfect candidate for resizing in the vector form. Hiring managers look towards recruiting creative thinkers who can cut through the clutter of average competition pervading the global job markets. Bold Infographic resumes present amazing opportunities for candidates to focus on their strengths and improve the perception of recruiters in their ability to deliver results. Apart from the layered organization, the icons grid layouts are completely customizable. Bold Infographic resumes are a perfect combination with Photoshop PSD files due to the presence of multiple color options. That template section which showcases the skills of the candidate and is a useful feature for highly discerning employers who are hard pressed for time.
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Bold Infographic Resume
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