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Baratheon Family Tree

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Published on 2022-02-28
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House Baratheon is one of the most prominent houses in Westeros. As per the Baratheon Family Tree, we have Steffon Baratheon, who married Cassana Estermont and gave birth to Robert Baratheon, Stannis Baratheon, and Renly Baratheon. Robert had an illegitimate son named Gendry. Through the incestuous relationship with her brother Jaime, Robert's wife Cersei gave birth to Joffrey, Mycrella, and Tommen. Stannis Baratheon married Selyse Florent and Shireen Baratheon, and Renly married Margaery Tyrell. After Renly's death, Margaery got married to Joffrey, and after his death, she got married to Tommen. Even though the Westeros family structure is complex, creating such a family tree will help you understand more about the hierarchy of your favorite shows or books.
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Baratheon Family Tree
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