Templates Community / ER Diagram for Online Movie Ticket Booking

ER Diagram for Online Movie Ticket Booking

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Published on 2022-03-24
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This ER diagram for online movie ticket booking represents the entity of the movie ticket booking system. This ER diagram for online movie ticket booking primarily represents data objects and their relationships. The entity-relationship diagram of an online movie ticket booking system depicts database tables and relationships such as movie, customer, cinema, screen, etc. The main entities of the online movie ticket booking system are the movie booking website, the customer, the movie, the Booking, the movie show, the cinema, the screen, and so on. Each entity has a primary key as well as a unique key. Movie tables store all movie-related data, customer table stores all customer-related data, and movie show store all movie show-related data.
ER diagram
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ER Diagram for Online Movie Ticket Booking
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