Template Community / Maxwell Platia's Classroom Floor Plan

Maxwell Platia's Classroom Floor Plan

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Max Platia
Published on 2023-12-11
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The image shows a floor plan of a third grade classroom. The classroom is approximately 20 feet long and 15 feet wide. The walls are painted a light blue color. The floor is covered in a gray carpet. The classroom is divided into three main areas: the front of the room, the center of the room, and the back of the room. The front of the room contains the teacher's desk, a whiteboard, and a projector. The teacher's desk is located in the center of the front wall. The whiteboard is located on the right side of the front wall. The projector is located on the left side of the front wall. The center of the room contains the students' desks and chairs. The desks are arranged in rows, with each row facing the whiteboard. The chairs are arranged behind the desks. The back of the room contains a bookshelf, a work station, and a cubbie area. The bookshelf is located on the left side of the back wall. The work station is located in the center of the back wall. The cubbie area is located on the right side of the back wall. The cubbie area is divided into two rows, with each row containing 10 cubbies. The cubbies are used to store students' personal belongings. The work station is equipped with a computer, a printer, and a scanner. The work station is used by students for research and projects. The bookshelf contains a variety of books, including textbooks, novels, and reference books. The bookshelf is used by students for research and reading. Overall, the classroom is well-organized and functional. It provides a comfortable and inviting environment for learning. Here are some additional details about the image: The desks are made of wood and are painted a dark brown color. The chairs are made of plastic and are painted a light green color. The bookshelf is made of wood and is painted a white color. The work station is made of metal and is painted a black color. The cubbies are made of plastic and are painted a bright blue color.
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