Template Community / World War II Timeline - Outbreak

World War II Timeline - Outbreak

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Published on 2024-01-23
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The chart, "Complete Outbreak of World War II (1937-1941)," methodically tracks the escalation of events that led to the full-scale onset of World War II. The timeline commences in September 1937 with Japan's invasion of Manchuria, setting a precedent for aggression in Asia. It proceeds to the pivotal moment in September 1939 when Germany invaded Poland, triggering a global conflict. The UK's first sea battle victory in December 1939 marks the commencement of naval warfare, followed by Hitler's invasion of Denmark and Norway in April 1940, expanding the war in Europe. The Dunkirk Operation in May/June 1940 highlights a critical evacuation, and the timeline concludes with two significant events in 1940 and early 1941: the aerial Battle of Britain and the joint Italian and German attack on Yugoslavia, demonstrating the expanding theaters of war. EdrawMax is adept at crafting timelines like this, allowing historians and educators to present complex historical sequences in an accessible and visually engaging format.
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