Quick Guide for EdrawMax Online
Looking for some help? Here you can get quick answers and step-by-step instructions on how to use EdrawMax Online.
EdrawMax Online Guide
Get Started with EdrawMax Online
Basic Shape Operations
Basic Elements
Insert Object
Page Setting
How to Create an Organizational Chart
How to Create a Floor Plan
How to Create a Gantt Chart
How to Customize Smart Shapes
EdrawMax App Guide
Video Tutorial
Change Layout
To change the layout of the org chart, you can
- Select the target Position shape;
- Click Org Chart icon on the right sidebar to open Organizational Chart pane;
- Click Layout button to select the desired layout style.

To change content layout of the shape, you can
- Select the target Position shape;
- Click Org Chart icon on the right sidebar to open Organizational Chart pane;
- Select the desired style of content layout on Content Layout tab

If you want to divide the displayed information into two columns, tick Two Columns and you will see the divided result in the below preview window. However, when the photo is put on the left or right side of the shape, this feature can’t be realized.